Israel Valley: Creating Shield through Technological Innovation
Edouard Cukierman, Daniel Rouach, Wang Huiyao 2014 China Machine Press

Becoming a state of scientific and technological innovation is Israel’s strategy for coping with the challenges of inadequate natural resources and hostile neighboring countries. Israel has claimed global leadership in various high-tech sectors such as military equipment, telecommunication and IT system, biotech and environmental science. With a population of only 8 million, Israel has 147 companies listed In the NASDAQ stock market, accounting for nearly 5% of the total, making it the country that is home to the 4th largest number of NASDAQ companies, following the United States, Canada and China.

“Israel Valley” distills the essence of Israel innovation. The research done in this book of Israel’s outstanding achievements in the new high-tech economy and the factors underlying its success in this area has important implications for and can inspire China’s future development. The book will also enlighten Chinese companies on establishing sustainable and mutually-beneficial business models in Israel and how to improve industrial innovation and production efficiency.